Choosing Life

Deuteronomy 30:19-20

I just have to…. June 10, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — SAD @ 3:24 pm

While we were sitting at the dinner table the other night, J said matter of factly, “Mom, sometimes, I just feel like I have to hug somebody.  Do you ever feel that way?”  I wasn’t really expecting this comment or question from him, but I told him that yes, sometimes, I do feel that way and asked him what he does when that happens.  He told me, “Well, I find someone to hug.”  I thought that was the sweetest thing I had ever heard!

The next Sunday, we were at my nephew’s graduation dinner when J piped up and said, “Mom, I’ve got that feeling again.”  and proceeded to get up from the table and go hug Uncle Bubba.   Then just yesterday he told me that at Camp Thurman he had to hug someone, so he hugged his CIT (counselor in training) Backflip.  I thought he was talking about some song or skit they were doing, but no, he was talking about just having the feeling that he needed to hug someone.

This has started  me  thinking about his love language and his spiritual gifts and such.  But it has also started me thinking “What would happen if everytime I had the feeling that I needed to hug someone or encourage someone or call someone or pray for someone…I just got up and did it?”  WOW!  What a concept!  What an unexpected difference I might make in someone else’s life…

Do you ever have the feeling that you just have to hug/love/pray for someone?  Well, then get up and “find someone to hug!”


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